Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Everything is so hard for you
Loving is so hard for you
Why are your eyes so bitter
Have you ever tasted the sweet
Your moustache travels south
like every joyous emotion you greet

Believe me
it's mutually embarrassing
to see you
in private
for all to see
Your eyes are the corrosion
of so many years
bad habit

And now
everything is on egg shells
and at home
it's nothing but pins and needles
Even a raised eyebrow offends thee
It was a different story in jail
when you were singing hymns
Amazing Grace had you found
and your eyes were renewed
with tears
as you felt 1,000 angels
marching inside your chest

Now your children will hold the bars against you
The world will hold the bars against you
Whispering winds
will hold the bars against you
You're only free
after you have given it your all

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