Monday, November 19, 2007

That glows
Burns bright
Pure devotion
The Lord's emotion
Lady of fire
Your heart is a fire
Continually burning like the sun
The Son of Man is the center
Burning brightly within
As the earth's core
Your core


A flaming tongue
That's burning
That's born in the heart
Like a big bang
When conversion came
Spreading like fire
Across the wilds of your frame
Exalted by your excurrent tongue
When your voice is raised
To stoke the fire
Of His flames
Extending into the atmosphere
With each octal raised
By your mouth
Let a man shout
Your song raises the Sun to the sphere
That we feel the gravity
To orbit the Divine Center


Fire that burns
Is Heavenly waves
Crashing on the shore
Sun shining
Energy source
Spiritual rays
A well springing up
Many hearts nourished
Many cups run over
Hands full

Nuclear fusion
A sun burning
That never goes out
The center of the earth's core
The Divine Center
Love will enter

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