Friday, March 18, 2005

A bunch of party kids
living with an alcoholic
But do you think alcohol is a gateway drug?
Sure it's a portal that anybody can slip through,
when misery has blunted every objection

But in that house
sometimes the walls moved
because nothing was what it said it was
And in that house
you could see the vapors
crawling up from the floor
Physical properties would be changed, I'm sure
as soon as you tasted the spiritual brimstone
In fact, some are changed over in the twinkling of an eye

And I'm sure
it was Einstein's Theory of Relativity
that pushed you through to some other dimension
into some parallel universe
just from standing in that spot
Occupying the exact same space
and living the exact same life
except every sheepish grin
is a wolf
and every cackle
is a hyena
and your greatest treasures
only hint at your misery

If the walls were rent and twain
you would see the wasteland
where you make your bed
And in that hour
you will cry for mercy
that you might sleep
even an hour longer
But there is no rest for the weary
who sought refuge
in toxicity
and there is no security
amongst the wolves

And I'm sure
it was Einstein's theories
that spoke of spiritual matters
For matter is neither created nor destroyed
It is only rearranged
in that furnace called Hell

And when the walls are collapsed
you will see the many faces
of a collective corpse
and the eyes which have always watched you
from the windows of the lost souls
And you
must look for your place among them

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