Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Embedded in beauty
Clever in your smile
High arching expression in your brow
Mirth in the corners of your mouth
Ancient in your eyes

Can beauty be kept
Across the amalgamation of time
With enough
And to spare
Kept in the storehouse

The promises of every open touch
Coaxes dopamine to receptors
Synapses feign glad to jump
A great leap of faith
As when life came into being

Your beauty is kept well
Like secrets of the sari
The beads
Worlds without number
The tapestry one eternal round

God stretched forth his hand
Love came into being
Many worlds became one
Your hand is my hand
Held across the amalgamation of time

1 comment:

gris said...

Heeey!!! what a nice poem :), I like it :)!!!
how have you been? Ages w/o seen you!!!
take care
gris xx